Catariina & Louna | Extraordinary Ordinary


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I’m looking for a family that would like to share their extraordinary ordinary life with me. Catariina sends me a message and tells me about her and her child. About how hard it can be to figure out what kind of mother you are, now matter how much you love your child.


extraordinary ordinary julia lillqvist queer photographerextraordinary ordinary julia lillqvist queer photographer


Catariina tells me about the friends that make up her chosen family and how much time she and Louna spend together with these wonderful people when Louna is not with Äiti.


extraordinary ordinary julia lillqvist queer photographer extraordinary ordinary julia lillqvist queer photographer


Catariina has just turned 40 and will host a party the same weekend that we’ve decided to do our session. While it’s far from any family session I’ve ever done, it seems obvious that it’s at the party that I’m supposed to tell the story about Catariina & Louna’s family. All their friends gathered under one roof, surrounded by rainbows and tulle clouds.


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"My friends are my family. They are part of my every day life and support me at every turn. I hope I can be as present in their lives as they are in mine.

Julia managed to capture the special relationship I have with my friends during our Extraordinary Ordinary session and I am grateful to have these family photos of my chosen family."
