Ebba & Her Family | Extraordinary Ordinary

“Our world is crumbling down. Our beloved daughter has been diagnosed with  INCL.
There is no cure and she will be taken from us far too soon.


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While it’s nearly impossible, try to put yourself in their shoes.

Imagine holding your child’s hand knowing that time is running out.
You know that there’s no way stopping the inevitable, your child will go before you.
The days that pass are endless yet over in a blink.

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To stop time for a moment, you are gifted a photo session.
It turns into a well needed escape from reality and looking back at the photos
it is almost possible to pretend that the nightmare isn’t real.

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But your child has been diagnosed with INCL and there is no cure.
We can’t talk about it as an alternative universe anymore as it is very much real for Ebba and her family.

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What does family photos even mean in such a state? Everything, since they’re all you’ll have left one day.
That’s why I won’t even think of only delivering a chosen few favorites. Ebba’s family needs to get all of them.
Their family needs to be documented, remembered as it was when it was whole.
In the middle of all the sorrow, their love is burning bright.

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They are a family like any other and if there only was any rhyme or reason int he world they wouldn’t have to rush their life together.
Instead they all have now, and need to squeeze in all their love in only a few summers together.

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So we create memories to last a life time and I deliver a gallery filled with moments of beloved Ebba and her family.
Never have such beautiful photos carried such weight and I save them on every hard drive I own so that they’ll never be lost.

Mariehamn fotograf Åland


Mariehamn fotograf Åland

These photos mean so much to us. Our family is now eternal and there are so many emotions and so much love in these frames. Julia captured all the love and gratitude we feel that we are actually here together. This moment is all we have.

The project is all about telling the stories of different people and their lives. Too often photograhy is all about a glossy surface so with this project I want to show a less polished, yet just as beautiful, side to life. If you have a story to share, get in touch and we'll see if I am the right person to tell it.

Extraordinary Ordinary

An ongoing project that I keep working on on the side