The Boije Family | Life with a child with Down Syndrome

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“Every time we see a child with Down syndrom on TV,
in an ad or on the kids’s channel we feel like shouting:

Look, a family like ours! Look, a child like Oskar!”
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“Such moments it feels like we’re part of a very special club.
Only member know this life but let me tell you – this club is amazing!”
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All play, games and wet kisses

That’s how I’d describe my session with Oskar’s family.

I first met Erika & Mattias 10 years ago when I photographed their wedding in Turku. Nowadays they live in Sweden but I was lucky to get to meet up with them for a family session during one of their visits in Finland during summer. I was happy to meet Iris and Oskar, two whirlwinds filled with energy and laughter. Oskar also happens to have Down syndrome.

Here follows a short photo story from my session with this colourful family, together with a few words from Erika.



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“As new parents to a child with Down syndrome there was a lot of uncertainty but if there’s anything we regret now later on it’s all the worrying we did. Today we know that being members of this private club is a wonderful adventure and we are happy to be rocking or socks daily.
Oskar is always present, living life in the now and he has taught us to enjoy everyday life in a new way with his charming and playful personality.”
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“We’ve thought a lot about the sibling relationship between Iris and Oskar.  Iris is the best big sister Oskar could have and he absolutely adores her. They are best friends and love playing together. Their laughter is infectious and it’s a joy to see and hear!”
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“Oskar makes our lives so much richer and I hop for a future where people over all were more open to and less afraid of people who are different. I dream of a world where people with Down syndrome can take part of society and spread their joy.”
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Our family session was like any other. Filled with smiles and protests, play and still moments.
Looking at the Boijes I see a family living life to the fullest. They are all present, enjoying spending time together in a way many of us struggle with. That’s undoubtedly only one of the many lessons we can learn from people who are different.
Looking at life like an adventure, as Erika does, there’s so much to experience is a family such as theirs. Many appointments with different therapists, but also the chance to learn sign language and a whole lot of laughter, play and wet kisses.
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Extraordinary Ordinary is a photo project where I meet and photograph people with different backgrounds and lifestyles. We all have so much to learn from one another and by sharing these photo stories I hope to spread more understanding, acceptans and kindness between different people.
If you want to share your story you can send me an inquire and I’ll get back to you if I think we could do a session together.
You can also get in touch to book a regular photo session or just reach out to talk or comment on my work over here.