The story of 2015


The year is coming to and end and I’m trying to comprehend all that has happened. It has been a life changing year. I’ve graduated after 4 years of studies, I’ve spend 3 weeks in New York, I’ve done my first international wedding and I’ve moved across the country to Turku. Since the beginning of the year was so hectic I tried to slow things down a bit until fall and it was just what I needed.

In October I  attended Way up North, a wedding photography conference, in Stockholm. It consisted of two days jammed with inspirational  presentations from some of the leading photographers in the industry. It light a fire in me that I didn’t expect. I’ve always been passionate about photography but it taught me to also be passionate about being an entrepreneur. These past four years during my studies I’ve been focusing on becoming a better photographer. This fall I’ve been concentrating on becoming a better entrepreneur. I want to give my clients the best experience possible. My business is still in a very small scale but as it grows I will focus as much on becoming a better photographer as I will on meeting my clients in the best possible way. These people invite me to be apart of one of the most intimate and important days of their lives, I want to make sure I give them, you, the best possible experience. More than just a bunch of pretty images. These are the kind of thought that have been spinning in my head this fall and I’m really excited about the changes that are to come. I’ve never felt so inspired before.


I’ve met some wonderful people this year and I’ve witnessed some incredibly beautiful weddings. There is no way I can show it all so I’ve just gathered some of the most precious moments I remember from this year. Different stories, different people and different places. Still it’s possible to combine them all into one big story, the story of the weddings I’ve shot this year. Oh, the love, the laughter and the crazy dance moves. I love it. Until next year.

Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistVasa bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_Y&C_fest_161Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist Bröllop Mårsbacka Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_Y&C_fest_177web_DSC5933web_Y&C_porträtt_37web_DSC0430Vasa bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist bröllop i Brändö kyrkaweb_DSC3025web_M&J_fest_091web_Y&C_vigsel_127web_DSC4839web_J&P_vigsel_057elegant_wedding_finland_Julia_Lillqvist_04web_DSC0627Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_DSC0941-2web_J&P_vigsel_142Vasa bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistNykarleby bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist . Bröllop vid Kuddnäs Nykarleby. Bröllop vid Seglis i Vasa av bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistBröllop Mårsbacka Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistVasa bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist bröllop Hotell AstorNykarleby bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist bröllop Kuddnäs NykarlebyVasa bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist web_Y&C_fest_283web_DSC8710Bröllop Mårsbacka Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_J&P_fest_191web_Y&C_fest_109Bröllop vid Seglis i Vasa bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistSibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistSibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistSibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistSibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_DSC2353Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistTuttlingen Destination wedding photographer Germany Julia Lilqvistö_Y&C_porträtt_47web_Y&C_vigsel_053Bröllop vid Seglis i Vasa bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_J&P_fest_080Vasa bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_DSC8520web_J&P_fest_300Bröllop Mårsbacka Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistNykarleby bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_J&P_vigsel_002Nykarleby bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_J&P_vigsel_110Nykarleby bröllopsfotograf Julia LillqvistBorgerlig vigsel i Nicky Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvistweb_Y&C_vigsel_083Bröllop Mårsbacka Sibbo bröllopsfotograf Julia Lillqvist


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